12 September 2008


Pictures are up on facebook from the first week and a half.

I got my modem today, but the password I'm supposed to use isn't working, so I think I'm just not in BreisNet's system yet. It's not a big deal though, I'm able to get wireless in Andrew and Joanna's Haus (right across the way from mine), so if it continues to not work I'll just come here.

Last night was the Freiburg-Madison-Gesellschaft Reception, which was basically amazing. We went on a historical tour in the morning which was kind of interesting, then had class, then went up into this lovely restaurant/Biergarten where they welcomed us and gave us lots of free wine and appetizers. After that I came back to StuSie with Becca and Jeff, ate and hung out for a few hours before StuSie Bar started to pick up. Shot Nite was a lot of fun... Brian Grady taught us beer hockey and then I just hung out and danced and such for the rest of the night. I did spend all of my 10 Euro that night though. :(

Class has been kind of horrible... it just seems to last forever and they give us a lot of homework. It's 2 am here and I've been working on an essay that was assigned today and is due tomorrow for a while. I haven't been doing much actual work though, otherwise I could've gotten it done much faster...

I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. Becca and Kyle are having everyone over to their WG in Vauban for a party, which should be interesting considering I'm pretty sure there isn't enough room to fit more than 20 or so people in there. But I'm excited. Saturday I have keine Plaene, hopefully I'll do something cool... Sunday we're going to Schauinsland. I'm not really sure what it is, but it involves cable cars and apparently you can see the Swiss Alps from the top on a clear day. I'll try to take lots of lovely pictures.

My battery is going to die in 4 minutes and I really need to get to bed so, bis spaeter. Oh, and if there are people who are actually reading this, I love comments. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I commented on your picture in facebook.

Keep drinking lots of great beer for me!
